Venture Capital specialized firm
Structuring emerging markets growth
By closing the gap between local and regional practices with global best know how’s, We help to professionalize venture capital firms with sophisticated processes and analysis.
Welcome Lanchmon

We professionalize the venture capital firms.

At Lanchmon, we specialize in bridging the gap between local and regional, applying global best practices. Our focus is on professionalizing venture capital firms through sophisticated processes and comprehensive analysis.
Global Experience
We've been at the forefront of delivering innovative solutions for investment funds worldwide.
Analytical Approach
We deliver detailed insights for precise financial decisions.
Professional Excellence
Our highly trained team is dedicated to delivering superior service across all aspects
Since 2009: A Legacy of Trust and Success
Since our inception in 2009, we've pioneered innovative solutions for investment funds.

Our Services

At Lanchmon, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to empower venture capital firms and investment funds with the tools and insights needed to thrive in today's dynamic market. Our services include:
Venture Finance & Strategy
Finance & Strategy advisory to make the right decisions base on data modeling and analysis.
Pipeline management operations like a top tier practice.


Years Of Experience
You guessed right

We are the first consulting firm to specialize in structuring venture capital funds.

But it took us 15 years of expertise to learn all the practices that your fund needs

Trusted By

At Lanchmon, we are committed to helping you achieve your financial and strategic goals. Contact us today and discover how we can help take your venture to the next level!
Team Members

Expert Team Members


Boris Lancheros

CEO & Founder

About Boris Lancheros

An expert in finance, venture capital, and startups, he is currently an assistant professor at Harvard, teaching classes on mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring to MBA and Exec MBA students. With extensive experience in the investment sector for emerging markets, especially in SMEs and startups across various regions including Latin America, Europe, and Asia, he also worked as Finance and Operations Analytics at Endeavor Catalyst.

Black Comunicaciones

Marketing and communications agency

About Black

Black is a marketing and communications agency with more than 12 years of experience, specializing in helping companies achieve their business goals through the development and implementation of effective marketing and communication strategies. It has a strategic, creative, and results-oriented approach.

Daniel Gomez

Tech Advisor

About Daniel Gomez

Entrepreneur with a focus on social impact, specializing in systems and telecommunications engineering. Experienced in backend development and artificial intelligence, passionate about leveraging innovation and technology to create sustainable solutions. Currently serving as CTO and Co-Founder at Coally S.A.S, overseeing the development of web platforms and providing technological consulting for web and mobile projects.


Got questions? We've got answers. Explore our FAQ section to find helpful information about our services, processes, and more.

Venture Finance & Strategy – Financial Forecasting (From 1 to multiple funds)


In the venture capital industry, there is a significant inquiry concerning the anticipated returns on investments in startups at various stages. Venture capital funds are keen to ascertain the timing of liquidity events and the amount of money they will receive from these transactions for several reasons:

  1. To understand their fund’s performance (Today).
  2. To modify or alter their investment strategy, making informed decisions based on market or industry data.
  3. To devise a strategic plan that addresses performance in the short, medium, and long term.
  4. To fundraise for a new venture capital fund, backed by solid metrics and performance data.


Other products


  1. Global Finance Strategy
    1. Investment Strategy – Thesis Alignment
    2. Deployment Analysis (Initial Investments + Follow-on Analysis)
  2. Management Model (Revenue + Expenses modeling)
  3. Fund Performance Metrics
  4. Liquidity Events
    1. Distributions Analysis
    2. Waterfalls Creation

Operations – Smart Pipeline


Smart Pipeline is a product that perfectly fits every investment thesis and selection criteria, independent of the fund.



We empower and accelerate your decision-making processes and timeline through a combination of data-driven insights and strategic foresight that enhances the accuracy and precision of investment choices, market trends and pipeline analysis. By Implementing advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, and integrate multiple data sources and platforms to analyze vast datasets in real-time.


This will be able to find the perfect pipeline from public and private information from all over the world to target and show the Smart Pipeline that best fits the fund’s requirements.


Which tools we use?



Public Information


Unique expertise and perspective in emerging markets, from professionals working in the top-tier VC funds in the world that understand and have a proven track record in over 42 countries in emerging markets around the world.

  1. Knowledge transfer from global market expertise into local and regional markets.
  2. Global network of VC
  3. Top tier methodologies and sophisticated process and modeling.

While it is not in one of our services, in the roadmap we will help emerging fund managers to raise their next fund.

  • Two profiles

    VCs that their AUM is over $15M to $150M
    As they grow, professionalism and high standards become even more important. This is because they might have already deployed one fund and could be operating with one or more funds simultaneously. They are close to having very sophisticated processes and find value in connecting with global markets. Additionally, their operations could be deployed nationally, regionally and internationally.

    VCs that their AUM is under $15M.
    Emerging fund managers who have just raised their first fund and aim to do things right from the beginning. While price could be a major driver, adopting sophisticated processes and best practices and find value in connecting with global markets could leverage their operations, track record and visibility to raise another fund and prove performance.


Blog Updates

Our Blog Posts

El venture capital en Latinoamérica debe ser…

El Venture Capital está cogiendo más del 80% del número de deals…

El principal desafío del Venture Capital en…

Los números son claros: en el transcurso del año 2023, se recaudaron…

Brasil, México y Colombia lideran la inversión…

Los países con mayor actividad fueron: Brasil, México y Colombia, que concentraron 93 %…

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